Monday, March 16, 2009

Causes of the Holocaust

Some causes of the Holocaust were:

1. The political success of the Nazi party.
2. Hitler's diplomatic and then military successes from 1939-42, invading France, Denmark, Holland and much of Eastern Europe and Russia, giving the Nazi regime governmental control over millions, not just thousands of Jews
3. Nazi's took advantage of Germany.
4. Communists 
5. Hitler wanted to "purify" Germany.
6. Hitler blamed the Jews for loosing WW1, so thats why he sent them to the concentration camps and why he hated them.
7. The economy was bad. They needed someone to blame for that so they blamed the Jews.
8. According to Alexander Kimel Hitler's mental health was a direct cause of the Holocaust. It is thought that his brain was damaged by syphilis; this caused him to be paranoid, brutal, and have illusions of grandeur. 


Madeleine said...

Can you put your paragraph online?

Julia said...

GOOD JOB ANNALISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

MK said...

what source did you get this from?