Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spontaneous word poem

I jump when kelly pees
it looks like lemons thrusting
kirstin likes to yell at sprinkles when they start to slide down the sides of her ice cream
when kelly jumps her earlobes tend to bounce, like lemons being dropped 
when kelly tripped her phone slipped out of her shirt
the book that kirstin likes to skip with is 31 pages 
her book is about how trees and grass are sweet tasting
when a hand falls and hits the car next to her it leaves a small scratch.

outside reading blog #1

I have just started the book A Million Little Pieces by James Fray. The reason that I chose to read this book is because a lot of my friends have said that it is a very good book, even though it might be full of lies I still think it can be a good book. The second reason I wanted to read this book is because I heard that it is about addictions, and I suddenly made a connection to addictions. My dad is a alcoholic so therefore I knew I could probably understand to some degree about what's going on during the book and how his family feels.

So much depends upon...

So much depends upon
a purple egg
smooth and shiny 
smells of its taste, brown and smooth
with a crunch

So much depends upon
the sweet chirps of birds in the background
the trees are bare
the smell of the gentle wind
it feels like the wind of relief